Murray Irrigation is a private company that provides irrigation services to 2,400 properties based in south-west NSW covering an area of 750,000 hectares. Essentially a water trading/exchange business, Murray Irrigation secures temporary water rights from licensed irrigators on the Murray River for their customers use.
With the introduction of the Murray-Darling Basin Plan by the Federal Government, Murray Irrigation has sought to expand its services into the South Australian market and appointed NRG to develop an integrated marketing campaign to generate awareness of the brand and to facilitate order fulfillment via a simple on-line portal.
NRG conducted extensive market research before presenting a comprehensive communications strategy. Working closely with the management team, a new corporate logo (Murray Water Exchange) and Microsite were designed to present the company’s credentials and offer easy access to information about the services, offering multiple calls to action and/or opportunities to register interest. An integrated web search optimisation and marketing program was initiated to elevate the Microsite to page one status on Google.
Following the success of the Microsite launch, a media campaign was developed targeting licensed irrigators in the Riverland of SA to drive traffic to the Microsite. The campaign used local radio and press, supported by sponsorship programs associated with local community events.