Today marks the 60th anniversary of television in Australia. The industry gurus have nominated the all time top 10 TVCs which we’ve listed below. If you are young enough, you’re probably thinking ‘what’s tv?” But if you’re old enough you’ll probably enjoy the saunter down memory lane for most of these. IOHO they missed a couple of classics, so we tagged them at the end for your added enjoyment.
10.”Louie The Fly” for Mortein (1957)
9. “I Still Call Australia Home” for Qantas (1998)
8. “I Like Aeroplane Jelly” (1956)
7. “You Oughta Be Congratulated” for Meadow Lea Margarine (1977)
6. “De-de-de-Decore” for Decore (1988)
5. “Which Bank?” for Commonwealth Bank (1980’s)
4. “Memories” for OTC (1977)
3. Spring Lamb “You’ll Never Lamb Alone” Meat and Livestock (2016)
2. “Not happy, Jan!” for Sensis (2000)
1. “Rhonda and Ketuk” series for AAMI (2011-14)
Honourable mentions…
The next one was not aimed at us, or shown on Aussie TV but everyone in the country knew the line “I’ll slip an extra shrimp on the barbie”.